tilrettelagt kostholdsprogram
Kostholdsplan tilpasset deg, ditt liv og dine mål.
Personlig app og oppfølging
Du kan enkelt logge øktene dine og følge din egen fremgang. Ikke minst tett oppfølging og kommunikasjon med meg gjennom appen.
tilrettelagt treningsprogram
Treningsplan tilpasset deg og dine mål.
Let’s Hear Inspiring Testimonials from Our Clients
Name is here
“Dictumst egestas massa sit quis egestas. Scelerisque facilisis id amet enim euismod lectus tincidunt amet.“
Name is here
“Dictumst egestas massa sit quis egestas. Scelerisque facilisis id amet enim euismod lectus tincidunt amet.“
Name is here
“Dictumst egestas massa sit quis egestas. Scelerisque facilisis id amet enim euismod lectus tincidunt amet.“
Name in here
“Dictumst egestas massa sit quis egestas. Scelerisque facilisis id amet enim euismod lectus tincidunt amet.“
tilbakemeldiner kunder
I am so happy for everything you have taught me and I love this lifestyle! Going to training is something I always look forward to, and I have so much extra energy and energy 😍 The confidence is unrecognizable, haha, and it gives benefits in many areas 👏
Summer is approaching and it doesn't matter, because I feel so good in my body! In the past, you have been doing cramp training and a strict diet (too little food) until the summer without any particular results as you have often been gluttonous in between. THANK YOU again for teaching me that strength training doesn't make me manly and that chocolate on a Wednesday is just fine❤️ I will never regret choosing you as my coach!
Imagine that we have had so many nice weeks together, I am so grateful for everything you have helped me through Anniken! What would I do without you? You have really turned my view on health and well-being, on exercise and not least myself upside down. You have been like a close friend for the past few weeks and even though you are only one you have been like a cheerleader of 100 pieces, because you are so dedicated, caring, knowledgeable and good. I am so happy that I got to start 2023 with you and I am eternally grateful for everything you have taught me. Thank you very, very much!!
Today I thought about how much I really appreciate that I decided on coaching and how much you have helped me! There is a 10,000 difference in both body and self-esteem and everything!!!!! I was completely shocked when I compared the before and after pictures!!! SO WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! I almost didn't recognize my body and that only after 7 weeks of NORMAL food and some exercise 🙌🏼 😍 And not least, I can feel the difference and how much better the clothes fit on my body! I'm just so glad I started this and can't wait to continue! Thank you so much for your help so far, I couldn't have done it without you!
First I just want to say! THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you have helped me with, all the motivational words, meals that have made it easy to follow the plan and all the motivational things you post on IG! You are raw. I also want to thank you for helping me to be able to look at myself in the mirror without feeling bad about myself! Because I haven't looked in the mirror as much as I have in the last three weeks in a LONG time, and I'm happy when I do 😍. I have gotten so much better and even when I have lows they are not as bad as before!
When I eat according to plan, my body becomes so incredibly happy, it is calm and rarely has a sweet tooth, it is absolutely incredible and liberating to not be as "hooked on the drug" as I was before, completely desperate for chocolate. Now I have 4 large plates in the fridge and I don't even realize they are there.
Hvorfor velge meg som coach
I 2021 ble jeg sertifisert som PT og har siden da jobbet og tilegnet meg erfaring på Arena, Nr1 fitness og Mova treningssenter. Gjennom både personlig og arbeidserfaring har jeg kjent på hva viktigheten ved riktig og balansert mat og trening kan gjøre for kropp og mental helse. Derfor har jeg et sterkt ønske å hjelpe flere med akkurat dette.
Et tilrettelagt og individuelt forløp der mestring står i fokus er essensielt for meg, sammen kan vi skape gode rutiner.
Coaching pakker
3 mnd coaching
8 mnd coaching
6 mnd coaching
See The Incredible Changes Experienced with Us
“Love the flexibility this program brings as well as how it makes me feel. I am loving the results and seeing myself improve.”
“Your workouts have changed my life. Thank you bro!”
“I wanted to shred up and In 4 weeks this is the result. very happy!”
“A BIG THANK YOU!! I’ve lost 4 kgs in 8 weeks and gained muscle. Exactly what I wanted.”
“I can’t thank you enough for your workouts and info. As you can see my progress over the past year!”
Enkle steg for og nå målene dine
Fyll ut kontaktskjemaet nederst på siden.
Jeg tar kontakt med deg og vi finner sammen dine mål
Lager trening- og kostholdsplan etter dine ønsker og mål
Du kan nå loggføre øktene dine, og ha god oversikt over både mat og trening.
Typisk stilte spørsmål
Må jeg trene på et treningssenter?
Hvor ofte må jeg trene?
Hva er online coaching?
Må jeg ha en streng og kjedelig matplan?